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Y Tuesday, February 20, 2007Y
11:11 PM
Happy Chinese New Year!!!! Gong Xi Fa Cai!!! =))

I'm back again!!! Gonna tell all of you peeps out there about where I went and what I did during the 1st and 2nd day of CNY...*Bleahs

CNY 1st day :

Woke up at 8am in the morning, prepared myself for a face wash then a hot bath...Had my hair nicely curled and followed by some dolling up, then waited for Laogong to come fetch me...Laogong reached around 9.30am, was actually coming to my house to greet my father a happy Chinese new year but too bad, my father was still sleeping...We went out and then walked back to Laogong's house...

It was my turn to greet Laogong's parents a happy Chinese new year, then Laogong's dad handed me a "ang pao" and told me to wish my father good health...=)) The day before, I was lamenting about the disappearing CNY mood but on the 1st day itself, suddenly the atmosphere was a very joyous one!! Laogong was sweating all over in his Levis long-sleeved shirt sooo, he got changed into a Billabong short-sleeved tee...His mummy and sister were doing some last minute touching-ups then Laogong's dad told us all, it was time to get moving...

We all got into the car and the first stop was, to Laogong's grandma's house...Laogong's family was the first one to reach, then the tradition greeting took place after that, we went into one the rooms where I did my touch-ups and chatted with Laogong's sister...All of us, stayed on for around half-an-hour then went off again, down to Jurong Point because Laogong's dad needed to exchange his credit card points for movie tickets to the show: "Just Follow Law"...Shortly after, we got back into the car again and went down to Grandpa's house!!

As usual, we're the first to be there and greet Laogong's grandpa...Barely stayed on for an hour, Laogong's dad decided it was time for us to get moving...Laogong's dad drove us all down to Bugis, and we all had "ChongQing" steamboat for our lunch cum early dinner...It was kinda fun, having two different soup bases in a steamboat and it really felt like, we're having a reunion dinner...We spent around 1 hour plus eating and eating, and I was sooo full!!!! The downside of this "ChongQing" steamboat was that, the varieties of ingredients are sooo limited!! No two-thumbs up, soup base not very delicious too...We all reckoned that, having steamboat at Marina South was a much preferred choice...In the end, we had a full but not sooo mouth-satisfying meal, however the warmth feeling compensated for the loss...=))

We all went back to Jurong Point, Laogong and I felt asleep during the journey cuz we're too tired...It was just the time to go in for our movies, after going for toilet breaks...This is the second time that I've watched movies together with Laogong and his family, I simply loved the family togetherness...*Giggles...

Each and everyone in the cinema, laughed to tears (I bet) while enjoying the show (Just Follow Law)...The quotes mentioned inside the movie, are really one of a kind...It sure, tickled a hell lotsa funny bones which includes us as well...A definite-MUST-MUST-DIE-DIE also hafta WATCH movie!!! *lols...Kudos!! to Jack Neo for picking light-heartedly on the downside of the rules and regulations that the government has for citizens to abide to...A really careful fellow, I should say...Cuz Jack Neo's the only one till present to always shoot such controversial movies, each and every one of his productions never fails to touch the hearts of its audiences...Really, KUDOS!! WATCH IT!!! *lols...A guaranteed no-regret movie!!

Alright!! Enuff bout' movies already...Back to my 1st day of CNY...Sooo, after the 2 hours long movie, Laogong's dad was too tired to go anywhere else and decided to head home...Laogong and I rested for a short while then went back to my house, sooo Laogong could greet my father...We stayed at my house for around half-an-hour then headed back to Jurong Point, to play a game of pool...

Laogong and I played against each other for more than an hour, Ah ger too dropped by to play a game with Jieyi...I was kinda upset cuz I kept losing to Laogong...Laogong knew it sooo he deliberately lost to me a few rounds, after that we finally ended our games and went for singing sessions at Jurong East's Kbox...Both of us strived to the very end, singing to our hearts contents then finally, left the place cuz Laogong really was exhausted and guess how much it costed us to sing on 1st day of CNY? Total bill was: $70++ for two persons!! Nonetheless, we enjoyed ourselves very much!! =))

Y Sunday, February 18, 2007Y
3:46 AM
More Pictures!!

Pooh bear caught playing the sweets catcher machine at JP with Laogong =))
BOught this new white blouse from "Topshop" for CNY!!
The trio: Jieyi, Ah Ger & Me at JE Kpool
Us again
After work, at JE Kpool =))
Shopping aftermath, at LAogong's house =))
me again!! at JE Mcdonal's

3:34 AM
Finally, I could upload my photos!!!

Enjoy!! These are some pictures taken after celebrating valentine's...The "Fossil" couple watch, I've forgotten to take pictures...=P but will be up pretty soon too...

MY sweet Valentine's gift!! SK Jewellery from Laogong "Every Woman Deserves to Shine"
Lovely bouquet of 12 roses from Laogong =))
Up-close shot of my bouquet of roses =))
Me & my roses again =P

1:47 AM
I'm BACK!!! lols

A belated happy Valentine's to all and.......A very HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! =))

First thing first, a update on Valentine day's celebration...Laogong and I were both off on this day cuz we've made a promise to each other, to be available on that day no matter what...I went over to Laogong's house around 2.30pm and he's already awake and ironing his shirt...Told me that he was actually waiting for the flowers he had ordered (to give to me) but there was no news of it...It was almost 4pm when Laogong's ready to go out but there was still no sight of flowers being delivered to his house, sooo he called up the florist but had only managed to get through after attempting to call for like 10 times...Laogong told the florist that he'll go down personally to collect instead of waiting for the delivery, the florist told him that their delivery driver had met with an accident, hence, the delay...

Before Laogong and I went out, I placed the gift (I had brought along with me, secretly) into his wardrobe...Laogong happened to saw it when he took some stuffs out of his wardrobe, he thought it was my stuff at first sight cuz the gift was actually inside a paper bag...I told Laogong that I hadn't bought anything for him and that was something I had picked up from the streets...*Bleahs...Laogong laughed and then opened up the gift...I bought a set of "Fossil" couple watch, both in off-white color after seeing Laogong wearing the watch I bought for him immediately, I took out mine and wear it as well...=))Laogong gave me a sweet kiss and said "happy valentine's"...

Sooo, it was only until 4.30pm that we got outta Laogong's house then he handed his present to me...It was a SK jewellery bag, I had wanted to open up and see after boarding a cab but Laogong stopped me and told me to open up later in the day, sooo I just held onto it the whole while, inside the cab...Laogong asked the cab-driver if he could just wait for us when we go collect our stuffs, the cab-driver gladly accepted Laogong's request cuz he knew it was hard to get another cab later on...

Laogong and I quickly went to the florist as soon as we've reached and collected the flowers, the florist were apologetic for their bad service and re-wrapped a new bouquet of roses for us...I chose another 3red roses for Ping, and then went off together with Laogong (happily) to cab down to Vivo City...Met up with Ping and Pengseng at Vivo, had wanted to give her a surprise by hiding the roses but she saw it in the end...Nevertheless, Ping was happy to recieve the roses and we actually chatted quite a lil'...Laogong and Pengseng chatted a lot too!! It was the very first time that both Ping and I saw Laogong and Pengseng chatting sooo much, pretty taken back by their chattiness...*Lols...Ping bought for me and herself, a cat-hp charm each at "Mini Toons" then continued walking around Vivo for a lil more before finally parting ways...

Laogong and I, then went up to "Marche" to have our dinner but there was a long queue sooo we had no choice but to give up the idea of having "Marche" and then proceed to "Bosses" (which is "Hei Se Hui" in mandarin) restaurant that Laogong had already booked previously...The both of us ended up having quite an unpleasant dinner at this lousy restaurant...It's a long story to tell, I'm still not happy with the way this restaurant handles its staffs and all...The decor, ambience and food was nice but the management still has a lot to catch up on...

I opened up the present that Laogong gave to me while inside the restaurant and was pretty happy when I finally saw it...It was a necklace together with a triple heart entwined pendant, I was pretty surprised to have received the present in the first place and was even more elated upon seeing the real thing...I didn't really showed my feelings to Laogong cuz of the bad services we've gotten from the restaurant but deep down inside my heart, I really appreciated Laogong's sincerity...Guess what?? Laogong and I spent 2hours at the restaurant waiting for our food and finishing it, I told Laogong not to pay them the service charge and he told me that it's impossible to get away without paying them service charge...

Laogong's too kind, *pouts...I was the evil one, *Giggles...I went straight up to the cashier and told her that we're not gonna pay for the service charge, and the cashier told me that it's not possible at all...I got fed up with Laogong standing beside and watching in silent, I shouted out loudly that I wanted to complain then the manager came...I complained and then immediately, the manager told the cashier to reprint a new receipt with the service charge waived off...Laogong was buffled and keep telling me that he didn't know at all, that we could deny the restaurant a service charge...The manager apologised and even thanked us in the end...I scoffed and walked away with Laogong...

I was not gonna let that stupid restaurant ruin my mood, Laogong and I walked around Vivo then after get ready for our late night movie at "Golden Village"...Laogong and I got our nachos and then went into the cinema for "Protege"...

The night ended well, and overall my only disappointment was, the dinner Laogong and I had at the bloody restaurant...The movie was really a good one, Daniel Wu's really a good actor and handsome too, even Laogong agreed on this...A definate-must watch!

This is how my valentine day went...=))

Will be back for another update again!!!

Y Monday, February 12, 2007Y
12:43 AM
12 February 2007, Monday

It's actually 12.44am now, and I'm still not asleep yet...Waiting for McDonald's delivery cuz it's my brother's treat...Apparently, he strike lottery...$250...*Lols...Told me that, he bought lottery just for fun cuz he's been banned from the game "Maple Story" and he's always telling his friends should he really get banned, he'll definitely strike lottery...Ya, and sooo he really did strike...Guess lady's luck smiling widely on him...

Anyway, back to my own stuffs...My photos are waiting for me to upload them, but I just can't do it yet cuz I've got no card reader...*Shrugs...Tons of photos, all in queue...Man, this just sucks...Last Friday, Laogong and I bought our air tickets and accommodation online via Tiger AirWays.com...Our scheduled departure date is on 4th of March, will be away for a period of 5days...Both Laogong and I are sooo looking-forward to this trip, hope it'll be a fruitful trip...Laogong's friends won't be joining us, sooo is Jo...That means, Laogong and I will get to spend this 5days together, it's been sooo long since we've last been able to see and stick to each other for a long period of time...*Bleahs

.....Only 2more days left to Valentine's day, I'm wondering what Laogong has bought for me...He wouldn't tell me a single thing related to that day's programme and stuffs...I do hope that, Laogong would like the present I chose for him personally...Been having headaches recently, on what to get and finally after getting opinions from friends around, I made a choice...I've got plenty of OFF days this month and I'm sooo happy!!!! Only a week left to CNY too, and then after it'll be holiday!!!!!! Woooooooooooots.....I'm sooo excited!!!

Pay-cheque, please come faster....hahahahaahahahs....V's day, CNY then Laogong's sister birthday then after our long-awaited trip!!! I'm going bonkers from all the excitments...*Pouts...

Y Friday, February 09, 2007Y
12:52 AM
Late Posts...

Just gonna do some postings about stuffs that happened recently in month of January...A super-long-post is coming straight and hot out from the oven!!

During mid-Jan, the very "VIPS" from our company "Procter & Gamble" were in town to visit our Anna Sui counters...Sandra kept coming down to check on Joanne and me, plus the overall upkeep of our counter in RRC (Robinsons Raffles City)...Luckily, the "VIPS" did not visit our counter at all sooo Joanne and I were finally able to relax a lil'...Shortly after that crucial period, Joanne was informed to go for her appraisal and sooo were all the rest of full-timers...Joanne knew beforehand, that she was gonna be posted out and told me about it...We spent a total of 3months working together as partners but all of a sudden, because of the office personnel's decisions we had to be seperated...Joanne and I were both reluntant to leave but had no choice to only obey...Joanne was confirmed of her posting to Scotts after going for her appraisal and I was being posted to "Vivo City"...

Brenda and Biling, both the B(s) are posted to our counter (RRC)...*Shrugs...The changes were immediately effective as of 1st of February, it was totally not anticipated by all the staffs who were being posted out (including me)...I spend the last week at RRC, happily as usual and by that time, Jo and the rest of my friends made in RRC had come to know about the news...

Just a few days before my last one at RRC, I went for a shopping trip at Marina Square with Jo, Felicia and Diana...I merely bought a red plain spaghetti top from "Mango" from all the window-shopping, Jo and the rest did not managed to get anything...After that, we went down to "Xin Wang" and had our late dinner, spent more than 2hours over there chatting on and on...I'm really glad to have know these good friends, I've managed to learn quite a lot about life and personal grooming through the chats...Though, they might not be the best people I've met but they're definately the most genuine friends, I've made...

Another thing, after I've known about the reshufflement in my company, I got to know that some of my friends were also leaving RRC...Angie and Joreen decided to quit Ipsa after working for more than a year and jumped to SK II, then Helen (from Elizabeth Arden) has been posted to "OG Albert"...New year means new resolutions but why reshufflements? *Shrugs...I will miss my pals sooo much!!

I've also got to made a few other good friends in RRC, and they are:
Esther, Germaine, Yvonne, Angie, Joreen, Raine, Gary, Elaine and Elynn...Most of the names I could remember are here, if there's anyone I've missed please tag my board to inform me...*Bleahs...


My one day at IS (Isetan Scotts)

Was supposed to be working morning shift then recieved a call from Sharon telling me to work afternoon shift at MP (Metro Paragon), double-confirmed with Sandra and I was back to working at IS...Not a morning shift but a afternoon shift...I couldn't lament enough about having to go to MP and was glad when I confirmed with Sandra about my correct shift, never could I work alongside Sharon...Nobody ever wants to work with her, it's an open-secret whereby everyone in Anna Sui knows...

Heard from Sharon that something had happened, but I did not want to talk to her at all...I mean I do care for the person she told me about, but talking to her only irks me sooo the call actually ended quite fast...

Anyway, gotta zap back to the main topic...

Yah, and sooo I was working at IS for that one pathetic day...Sharlyn and Brenda were both working full shift due to the "Spring Colors Launch", we all went for lunch break alone and had only half an hour's time...I felt like sleeping all the while, luckily Brenda was there to chat with me...It's actually the first time, I've come to work together with Brenda and Sharlyn...

Sharlyn's the most senior and although I've heard a lot of bad comments about her, she's still ok to work with for that one day...Brenda, on the other hand was a very nice person...During the night, Geraldine came (she has already permed her hair and I thought it suited her better than the straight hair she used to had) to visit and actually stayed on with us, helped Sharlyn with the packings of stuffs...It was Brenda's last day in IS and Sharlyn actually asked me to join them all after work for late dinner together, Sharlyn told me that she had owe them both a treat...I gladly accepted Sharlyn's invitation and had after work, all 4 of us went to Mcdonald's...

I guess, I'm really considered very lucky to get a treat from Sharlyn cuz Brenda told me that all along while she working with Sharlyn, she's never gotten a treat till then...It was fun chatting with them, and one thing about Sharlyn that Brenda, Geraldine and I had noticed...Sharlyn's make-up was practically perfect even after work, I never once saw her touch up during work and it was still glowing...I must say she still has very good skin, given, her age consideration...


First day in Vivo City

I thought I was late for work (afternoon shift), Laogong rushed me to the mrt station hoping I could hop on the train in time to get to Vivo City...In the end, upon reaching, Huimin told me that afternoon shift at "Tangs" starts at 2pm...(-.-") Humin's one of the nicest senior I've worked with before, she started to show me the staff entrances and paths to various places inside "Tangs" then briefly told me about the environment there...

Saw Carina, Rain and Elaine, the familiar faces and was glad...I didn't quite feel in place though, cuz it still feels weird for me to be stationed there...Felt like dozing off half of the time, but tried not to by keeping myself busy with lame stuffs...All the staffs including supervisors are nice too, as what Humin told me...A far cry from MP, cuz MP is definately the last place on earth that nobody ever wants to be posted to...I just hope for everything in my work now to go on smoothly, I do like my job and have nice colleagues around...May it be the same whole year round, *Bleahs...


Last Friday

Off day again, spent it together Laogong...Went down to Cineleisure to get my N70 wrapped, dropped by at Kinokuniya for "CAWAII" magazine but taiwan version still not out yet...Had dinner at "Cafe Cartel", both Laogong and I think that, the standard has dropped cuz the food sucked...

Laogong and I, then went to "TopMan" to look at his stuffs...Saw a pair jeans and asked Laogong to try on, the design's quite nice and price was reasonable...Laogong liked it after trying on and bought the pair he tried, we got a scratch card and the prize was a $8 off next purchase...Went to "TopShop" on the second floor to hunt for the pair of skinny jeans I wanted but to no avail, switched places to IS and was disappointed the second time...Had no choice but to give up and went down to FEP instead...Really appreciated the time, Laogong had spent together with me, going here and there with me just to hunt for a particular stuff...If only time goes slower, I would be able to spend more time with him...

Went inside "Mondo" the moment I reached FEP, Laogong waited outside for me as it was too crowded...The heels had no appeal to me, instead I was attracted to the the various boots on display...Managed to find one brown-colored pair and decided to get that after trying on a few other designs, Laogong paid for the boots and than told me that, it's his gift for me in January...I was elated after getting the pair of boots, but was shocked when I happened to see one of the pushcarts in the basement of FEP selling boots as well and the price was cheaper than what I've got...Anyway, I tried not to think too much and besides the pair of boots I had chosen to get on impluse, also very prettily designed...Yada yada, hahahs...

I gotta say "Thanks" to my Laogong for getting me the lovely boots...We went back to Jurong Point and then spent around half an hour's time in the "Zone X" playing a new machine that had just arrived...I'm not sure what's the machine called but its one which you can scoop up sweets and then win a bear through hitting the jackpot or something...Laogong stood beside me all the while during when I played and even exchanged $$ for me to play on when I've run out of coins to continue...Finally, our efforts paid off and I got a winne pooh bear after hitting the jackpot!!! =)) Sooo happy...

Thanks soo much Laogong!


That's about all for now...HAhahahas...Super long already right? Hope you guy enjoyed reading...I'll be back soon, try la kies..hahahs...

Y Thursday, February 08, 2007Y
11:14 PM

Ever sooo often, this BLOODY FCUKING IRRESPONSIBLE ARSEHOLE starts going BONKERS, blaming all the shit that has happened in this FCUK house on me!!! I've got no "STAND" in this FCUKING-SO-CALLED FAMILY, I am already forever been SICK & TIRED of living in this FCUKED-UP place!!! Just this BLOODY ARSEHOLE wait and SEE!!! I'm not gonna give a DAMN SHIT about this FCUKED-UP place!!! IRRESPONSIBLE FCUKERS shall get their well-deserved retributions!!!! I only need my dear ones and genuine friends, don't need nobody else in my already screwed life!! Feel like cursing this piece of SHIT, but forget it cuz it ain't worthy of my words!!!!

I love my Laogong, only wanna spend the rest of my life with him will do...Sooo do I need my friends, and my dearest grandma...THE REST CAN FCUKING GO TO HELL!! I don't need FAKERS in my life!! "Patience" is always in my dictionary but not when it comes to that ARSEHOLE!! I've had enough!!! As soon as I'm able to get outta this FCUKED-UP HOUSE, I WILL and I'll NEVER ACKNOWLEGE anyone in that FCUK HOUSE FOR GOOD!! Home Sweet Home? Nothing but BULLSHIT!!

I've tolerated more than enough for the past 20years, ain't gonna give in no more!! Dudes who are reading out there, don't be surprised by my sudden fit...I just wanna let off the steam through means of blogging rather than facing that piece of shit...Need not worry about me, nor ask me anything regarding this post cuz I do not want to be reminded of the past...I appreciate the fact that, you guys are still reading my blog...Thanks soo much for the care and concerns showed, it's because of nice people I've met in my life which allows me, to have temporary bad memories loss...

Y Tuesday, February 06, 2007Y
2:40 AM
Suddenly, I realised after reading browsing through my blog, my posts are getting shorter and shorter...*sHrugs...Sorry dudes!! Will do a long post ASAP =)) Meanwhile, please do try to bear with my absentism again due to my work...I'm freaking tired!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not enough sleep and always working...Miss Laogong too...=((((

Will be back soonnnnnn.....

2:23 AM

I've already bought pretty much of my clothes for the upcoming Chinese New Year!! Still couldn't finish buying though, *bleahs...Initially, thought of getting just 2sets will do but ended up getting almost 3sets...Let's see what I've gotten,

1) Levis Ladies Style Jeans
2) White Vest from 77th Street,
3) Checkered Red Button Shirt from 77th Street,
4) Flowery Translucent Top from 77th Street (again),
5) White Shorts from M)phosis,
6) Skinny Jeans from Topshop,
7) A pair of Boots (FINALLY!! ^.^) from Mondo..

That's about it for the time being, still gotta get a few more stuffs to complete...*Bleahs
Sorry guys, no pictures for now cuz my card reader's an idiot!! However, will promise to post up pictures when possible...Cant spend too much on clothes recently, cuz Laogong and I are gonna buy air tickets this coming 9February!! =)) BOY!! AM I EXCITED!!!!