"fOr My DeaR"...(i DOn"T kNow...)i don"T knOw hOw It IS LikE tO bE a ReaLLy gOod gf Or LAoPo tO yOu...i DOn"T knOW hOw tO TReaT yOu thE wAy yOu waNT It To bE sOmeTimeS...i dOn"t KnoW hOw to ConTRol My bAd TempER aNd qUit GIving You The siLencE treaTmeNt evERy nOw aND thEn...i Don"T knOw hOw TO LeT yOu bE Less WorriEd About THe ManY tHInGs In LfE...i don"t KnOw tHe TRue dEfinaTion Of (TRUE LOVE)...I dOn"t eVEn kNOw hOw tO taKe caRE OF yOU wHen yOu FaLL sIck SOmetImEs...bUT thErE"S One ThinG i"LL deFinaTeLY kNOw, bE iT rAin Or sHinE...nO mAtTer What...wHenEvER yOU nEeD mY sUpPoRt, Just LoOk bEsIde You...i"LL aLwaYs bE righT HeRe wAitIng...
i'll always love you wholeheartedly!!
"a new job"Haha, reCently went for quite a number of interviews on being a Manicurist...and the reponse was really good...hehehe...all 3 companies offered me the position but eventually i could only choose the lucky one to join...why did i took up this job? you might ask, well, friends who knows me will understand because NAilarT is my hoBby and i havE alot of interest in it...who could have ever imagined that you can do WONDERS to your plain Nails?? besides these jobs don't come by easily so that's why i decided to grab this once in a lifetime Chance!! no regrets on joining at all because my passion in NailArT will not fade off...my Laogong is quite supportive of me having this job and i'm also happy for myself...but this job will require me alot of time and effort so most probably i'll be accompanying my Laogong Lesser...sobs sobs...cant really bear to leave you...but you've told me that working is only right and must be done...thanks laogong...but i'll still miss you very much when i'm away working...and even more cherish the times we'll spend in the future...my friends...i will also try to make time for you people because you guys are my support during School days...hahaha, say until like i'm going to far far place...but anyway to all my friends out there...do take care of yaselves...